2015(e)ko martxoaren 16(a), astelehena

Lagun Bat

Oraingo honetan poema bat aukeratu eta moviemaker-en bideo bat sortuko dugu musika txertatuz eta poema bera irakurri dugu audioa txertatuz ere. Hemen duzue adibide bat. Klasean landu dugun poematako bat aukeratu eta animo!

2015(e)ko martxoaren 4(a), asteazkena

Soundcloud - A bit lost

Fancy a storytelling? Check the audio track and the book in this post. Then, think about any other book for kids you would like to record. Record the story with Souncloud and create an album with the pictures of the book with picasaweb. We will practice storytelling and share our books with the small ones in the school. Let's see if they like it!
A bit lost
Ipuinak kontatzeko gogorik? Ikus eta entzun itzazu hemen dauden audio eta liburua. Aukera ezazue haurrentzako ipuin bat eta grabatu ezazue ipuinaren istorioa Soundcloud erabiliz eta ipuinaren irudiak Picasaweb bidez publikatu. Eskolako txikiekin gure liburuak partekatuko ditugu. Ea gustuko duten!

2015(e)ko otsailaren 20(a), ostirala

Tourist Guide for Kevin


As you all know, Kevin, our new lector, is a bit lost in Gipuzkoa! He has just arrived from San Francisco and needs some hints to move around our county.

He gave us a short description of his hobbies last week. Therefore, taking into account what he likes to do in his free time (surfing, mountain trekking, eating...) and using this book about Gipuzkoa as an information source prepare a power point with a useful tourist guide for him.

There you go!

2015(e)ko otsailaren 7(a), larunbata


Actividad: Tras analizar la presentación de Slideshare y entender que es un Fairy Tale, los alumnos por grupos crearán su propio Fairy Tale o cambiarán el final de algún cuento tradicional que ya conozcan.